I said read but talked blue_____

Brooklyn Cafe, March 1st, 2017
They were across from me at the cafe. One was wearing a Columbia sweatshirt. I’ve been teaching Columbia students for years, but I almost never get to hear them converse outside of class. I eavesdropped. I couldn’t help it. They were charming. It was the speed of the conversation that interested me. It was slow and thoughtful. There were many pauses followed by precise answers. They were catching up after a few years. “Do you like to read?” “Yes.” “What do you read?” “How long will you give yourself to make it in film?”They worried about timing, and that certain doors were closed to them or would be closing soon. I asked them to write poems. Later they sent me two great ones. I felt compelled to write them, to let them know my belief that there are no closed doors – that that is an illusion – and that two super bright guys just have to step through, like they did with these poems.

I said red, but talked blue
She read blue, (and yellow, too)
The man said: and are you,
Have you ever, did you, too?
She heard red, so i did, too.

Read a poem by Judy T.

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