1 train 116th Street to 66th Street, March 8th, 2016
She was reading a poetry book next to me on the train. I asked. She said that it wasn’t her form – she was reading poetry for a course. She’s a writer of fiction. She recently completed a novel and will graduate with an MFA in the spring. Would she be willing to take a chance? I didn’t give up and neither did she. She thought to give me a pre-written haiku, but then something clicked and she took the notebook and wrote this:
Why do you want to limit me?
Because I’m younger than you?
Because I have less
experience than you?
Because you think I want to use
you and your experience and so-
called wisdom to get close to
where you are?
A young person is limitless.
A young person has less concerns.
A young person has less dirt in his
or her heart.
I’m young no more.
I’m not as wise & experienced as
you are !