thinking about pale green trees_-_

L Train, Bedford Avenue to Union Square, June 11th, 2014
I asked Severino, my co-teacher, to detect a poet on the platform. Before he answered I spotted Rios. No doubt about it, he had a poem in him – two it turns out. It was “a sign” that I had asked, he said, since he had just left a kitchen job to focus on being an artist. It was a sign to me too. The dry spell was over. The poets were out again and my forehead door, as one poet had described it, was open.

thinking about
pale green trees
and brick structures.

A fog in the air
but more like a steam

Why is it that
the melancholy

Appeals more
than sunny days?

Which remind me only
of plastic cups
discarded on the street

Poem 2

Pleased to be approached
as a poet

But sad
to be labelled a man

When will my internal world

into daily life?

Read a poem by Tiffany S.

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