There's no silence in these woods_-_

Poems by New Yorkers posting from the Long Trail / Appalachian in Vermont.
Little Rock Shelter, August 12th, 2014
She sided with me on the Liberal Arts debate! Phew. She is traveling the trail with two lovely companions, SouthBound and Skippy, and they seem to be having a lovely time. She had long hair, from what I hear, but got a mohawk with the others. Like SouthBound and Skippy, she was generous, warm and very bright. They are in New Hampshire already. She nailed the trail with this poem

There’s no silence in these woods
Even when the birds stop singing
and I’ve run as far as I can
from the city
My mind whirs with the unfamiliar input
     uneven rock beneath me
     the slap of passing branches
     bright berries on shooting stems
My mind hums
and the trees become a rush of green
to either side
broken by brooks and rocky ridges
until I find myself rooted as
the brush & stones about me,
stopped by the empty blue

In that expanse I find my silence.

Read a poem by Jack M (SouthBound)

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