storm poem 3 post-script__

L Train, January 5th, 2014

I met Virgil on the C train while Alex was writing (see Storm poem 2). We chatted the whole ride to Harlem. Unprompted, he sent this to poem to me last night. Today he took the photo. He was inspired to introduce the idea to his clubhouse, “and they relished the opportunity to pour out their souls.” Great job Virgil. Great name. Kizmet.

Post-script Poem
By Virgil
(Written on the L train)

I just met a stranger,
who opened my mind.
Just asking a question
might seem so benign.
Will you write me a poem
If you have the time
But I was still ruffled,
So I kindly declined.
A shared intimate moment
is not such a challenge
But aboard a subway train
Kinda set me on edge.
But perhaps under ground
There is something more to it
my stream of conscious
was the place to intuit
I would travel.
So now here I am
Aboard this train.
Where I must end
this last refrain

Read a poem by Alex

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