A train West 4th to High Street, Feb. 11th, 2014
Just like so many of the other subway poets, she said she didn’t know how to write a poem. I told her about the scofflaw agent, how he didn’t know what to write either, and how he ended up writing about what he does every day. She agreed to try. I’m amazed at the difference between people’s perception of their writing and the actual writing.
A cool sunny day.
It always seems to surprise
me. Snow fades away
as the snow continues to fall.
It’s really all a dream.
The NY way of life and
unexpected weather.
You smell NY in the air
It reminds you of the dream.
The dream can sway any way.
That’s the beauty of
not knowing what will
happen when you take your
first step out the door.
My NY state of mind.